Hex turretz game
Hex turretz game

Which is why they updated to stop building through and around mission terminals(I dont understand how WC can call themselves a competent company and not have building around terminals disabled from the start, but thats a different conversation). Now on the topic of blocking the mission terminals, thats obviously an issue. The whole unfair advantage argument is a moot point now, it only applied to the earliest days of gen2. You can do alpha velo stalk with a single average giga easily and farm those hex points till infinity if you so choose, which is why the store is back on now cause people can get those hex points easily now compared to on day 1 when it was a bit unfair obviously. In a game like this there will always be multiple ways to do almost everything. If I want to drown a wild giga to kill and get the heart instead of fighting it head on, thats legal. If I want to get through the tek cave on the island with a wing suit instead of fighting everything, its perfectly legal. Thats the point of a sandbox game, everyone can accomplish their goals with whatever tools they want within the games system. Cheating in this game requires glitches or 3rd party programs to accomplish, anything you can do within the game with in game items that doesnt include meshing through the map or crashing the server to dupe is in no way cheating which is why the devs response to you is that its perfectly fine. Personally I would say just go tame somewhere else, the map is huge and there are plenty of places to tame things that are no where near mission terminals or their paths. Theres nothing not legit about doing a mission this way just as its legit to kill a brute mission dino with a tek pistol instead of using an army of rexs/gigas/reapers/etc.

hex turretz game

If they are leaving them on 24/7 I can see that as a bit annoying for the people trying to tame in those areas sure, but cheating? thats pretty laughable to me. Most of the time these tribes would turn off their turret spots when not in use so they arent wasting element on random dinos in the area.

hex turretz game

It made the missions easier sure, but I would in no way consider this "cheating". This has been a thing since the missions on gen1, people would setup turrets at the choke points where a brute dino would spawn such as the brute golems.

Hex turretz game